We are here to connect you to information and answer questions about Georgia state government.
Georgia Individual Income Tax
The Georgia Tax Center (GTC) is the Department of Revenue’s secure self-service customer facing portal for making online Individual or Business Tax payments and for corresponding with the Department of Revenue.
Make a Quick Payment - Georgia Department of Revenue
Go to the Georgia Tax Center; Under Tasks, click on Make a Quick Payment; Review the Request details and click Next; For Customer Type, select on Individual; For your ID Type, select the box Social Security # or Individual Taxpayer ID #. Click Next; Select Yes or No if you have a payment number. Complete ID Information and click Next
Senator Colton Moore Arrested Following Disturbance at State Capitol
The Georgia State Patrol, in an effort to maintain peace and ensure the safety of everyone involved, arrested Senator Moore without further incident. He was transported to the Fulton County Jail, where he is being processed for misdemeanor obstruction.
Georgia Promise Scholarship Program Launches New Website
The Georgia Promise Scholarship provides eligible K-12 students in lower performing schools up to $6,500 in annual funding for private school tuition, tutoring services, and other qualified education expenses through an education savings account.
Office of Artificial Intelligence
Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) is dedicated to providing oversight on AI policy formulation and implementation, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability. Through continuous evaluation and collaboration with state agencies, GTA strives to safeguard against biases, mitigate risks, and promote the development of AI solutions that ...
ConnectEBT Website and Mobile App | Georgia Department of Human ...
ConnectEBT Website and Mobile App available for Georgia SNAP Clients The ConnectEBT website provides SNAP customers with a fast, secure, and easy way to monitor their EBT available balance, deposits, transaction activity, and select or change a PIN.
2025-2026 Regular Session | Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
Signed fiscal notes for the 2025 and 2026 regular sessions of the Georgia General Assembly
Find an Offender | Georgia Department of Corrections
Call 1-800-GEORGIA to verify that a website is an official website of the State of Georgia.
All Tax Forms - Georgia Department of Revenue
Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use “” or “” at the end of the address. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure you’re on an official state website.