An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Here's how you know Official websites use A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. Licensing and Permitting Portal - Massachusetts
An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Here's how you know Official websites use A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Form 1099 Filing Requirements |
Massachusetts requires Form 1099-K to be filed when the gross amount paid in a calendar year is $600 or greater. If the Form 1099-K is not filed for federal purposes, Form M-1099-K must be filed. Learn more about Massachusetts Form 1099-K reporting requirements.
Making Payments in MassTaxConnect |
Credit the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' bank account. The taxpayer specifies the following: Dollar amount; Payment effective date; Tax type and; Tax period being paid.
Find Your Career at the Commonwealth |
Are you mission-driven? Want to contribute to purposeful work? Are you interested in making an impact in Massachusetts? Join us at the Commonwealth - it's a great place to work and grow your public service career!
Massachusetts Personal Income Tax Forms and Instructions
DOR has released its 2024 Massachusetts Personal Income tax forms. You will also find prior-year forms, estimated tax payment vouchers, and nonresident composite forms.
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
The Department’s mission is to cultivate a robust and equitable agricultural economy, promote a safe and resilient food system, and preserve a healthy environment for Massachusetts farmers, animals, and consumers.
Massachusetts Department of Revenue Form M-3 Reconciliation of ...
File this return: Massachusetts Department of Revenue, PO Box 7015, Boston, MA 02204.
Child Care Program Licensing |
Learn about Family Child Care programs Learn about Group and School Age Child Care programs Learn about Family Child Care Assistant requirements Learn about Residential Programs & Placement Agencies Find child care program licensing regulations, forms, policies and technical assistance How to update information on your EEC-licensed program
DTA Connect - Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance
The average food benefit is $215 per month for a SNAP household of 2 in Massachusetts. Disclaimer: SNAP benefits are calculated based on household size, income, expenses, and other nonfinancial criteria.