Oregon.gov : State of Oregon
The official homepage of the State of Oregon
Oregon Withholding Tax Formulas
To figure Oregon withholding amounts, you may use the formulas shown below. If you use your own formula, it must be approved by the Oregon Department of Revenue before use.
Oregon Health Forward
Oregon Health Forward is the vision and alliance of three efforts that will enable us to eliminate health inequities, mobilize our partners, and strengthen our capacity to deliver on our commitments consistently and transparently. Eliminating health inequities means ensuring that all people in Oregon can reach their full health potential and ...
Registering your business with Oregon tax programs
When registering your business with the Oregon Department of Revenue you will need to provide us with information about your business. The type of information you will need will depend on the type of business you have and the type of tax program for which you are registering.
Find an Online Service : State of Oregon
Oregon's state government agencies and entities offer hundreds of services online that enable you to conduct business, apply for a license or permit, request services or benefits, & more.
ODA : Weather : Natural Resources : State of Oregon
Access Oregon's weather monitoring resources for informed agricultural decisions.
Oregon Department of Revenue : 2025 Forms and Publications : Forms and ...
Oregon Department of Revenue 955 Center St NE Salem, OR 97301-2555 Agency Directory; Mailing Addresses; Media Contacts; Regional Offices; Customer Feedback; Phone: 503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222; TTY: We accept all relay calls Fax: 503-945-8738 Email:Questions.dor@dor.oregon.gov
Government : State of Oregon
Oregon's state government is composed of three government branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, as well as a system of commissions wherein citizens are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate
Oregon Department of Revenue : Welcome Page : State of Oregon
Main navigation page for the Oregon Department of Revenue. Check your refund status, I would like to, Individuals, Businesses, Tax Professionals, Property Tax, and Collections.
Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace
Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Application questions: 800‑699‑9075 (toll‑free) Coverage questions: 800‑273‑0557 (toll‑free) Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace. 855‑268‑3767 (toll‑free) info.marketplace@odhsoha.oregon .gov. Contact us. Text message "Start" to 855-268-3767 to receive text message updates.